The wide-reaching impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on young people’s lives has been highlighted in a video produced in Donegal.…
Youthscape invites young people to build confidence and career goals
by Staff Writer 7 years agoAre you 14-24 years old? Not in full time education, employment or training? Nothing to do in the summer? Unsure…
Ready to try something new? Exciting Youthscape project now taking applications
by Rachel McLaughlin 7 years agoYouthscape Project branches in Donegal are seeking participants who would like to build their confidence and career goals. Are you…
New Youthscape project launched to promote an inclusive society
by Rachel McLaughlin 7 years agoA new Youthscape programme was launched on Friday 19th January in The Termon Centre, Pettigo, Co.Donegal. The aim of the…