The late Jasmine McMonagle will honoured this New Year with a memorial walk in Castlefinn. The candlelight walk on Saturday…
smile for jasmine
Virtual tea parties taking place in memory of Donegal mum Jasmine
by Rachel McLaughlin 5 years agoMany cups of tea are being raised in memory of a young Donegal woman this week as part of the…
It’s the final countdown to the Smile for Jasmine Mock Wedding of the year
by Rachel McLaughlin 6 years agoYou’ll ‘knot’ believe it, but the Mock Wedding of the year is just a few weeks away! The unique fundraiser…
A unique fundraising event in aid of ‘Smile for Jasmine’ is being organised and the ‘save the date’ is 21st…
The community of Killygordon will come together this Friday for a special sporting event in memory of a much-loved young…