Sinn Féin’s finances are being examined by the country’s ethics regulator over the purchase of their Letterkenny office for €180,000…
Donegal County Council NewsLead StoriesNewsPolitics
John O’Donnell: People of Milford put ‘the real John’ top of poll
by Chris McNulty 6 years agoJohn O’Donnell says the people of the Milford electoral area have mandated ‘the real John’ to represent them in Donegal…
D-Day for Cllr O’Donnell as council to disuss SIPO report this week
by Stephen Maguire 6 years agoA proposed meeting to discuss the findings of a report by the Standards In Public Office on County Councillor John…
Donegal councillor fails to join legal challenge over RTE broadcast
by Staff Writer 6 years agoThe High Court has refused a county councillor John O’Donnell’s application to be allowed to be part of a legal…
CourtsLead Stories
Court orders Senator to show more detailed statement of means in debt case
by Staff Writer 6 years agoA Judge has asked for a detailed statement of means from a Co Donegal senator who has appeared in court…
Lead StoriesNews
Cllr John O’Donnell to face investigation hearing before SIPO
by Staff Writer 7 years agoDonegal Councillor John O’Donnell is to appear before the Standards in Public Office Commission next week for a public hearing on…
Donegal County Council spent €34,071 on legal costs on three files sent to the Standards in Public Office between 2012…
Lead StoriesNews
Inquiry into expenses claims by Donegal county councillors cost €500,000
by Stephen Maguire 7 years agoThe State’s ethics watchdog has spent almost €500,000 in investigating allegations of false expenses claims by two former members of…
by Stephen Maguire 9 years agoThe taxpayer has spent almost €300,000 bringing a case against Donegal Senator Brian O Domhnaill over alleged duplication of expenses…
Former Mayor of Donegal Dessie Larkin said he full intends to contest allegations that he claimed expenses from two state…