There’s no business like show business, and the Letterkenny Panto cast and crew are enjoying a record-breaking week in the…
Letterkenny Pantomime
The countdown is on for the 2020 Letterkenny Pantomime – and it’s going to be one super show as they…
FeaturesFloating SectionLead Stories
Patrick Doherty: Letterkenny’s Greatest Showman
by Rachel McLaughlin 5 years agoThe Letterkenny Pantomime celebrates its 70th year in 2020, and so too will Director Patrick Doherty. Oh no he isn’t?…
Fancy being part of Letterkenny pantomime’s ‘Alice In Wonderland?
by Stephen Maguire 7 years agoLetterkenny Pantomime Society are delighted to announce that their 2019 production will be the very popular and spectacular “Alice in…