Dublin priest Fr Tony Coote, who raised over €600,000 for motor neurone research, has died at the age of 55.…
fr tony coote
Priest’s inspirational walk from Donegal to Cork features in TV doc
by Rachel McLaughlin 6 years agoFr Tony Coote, a charismatic Dublin priest, was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in March 2018. He immediately decided to…
Inspirational priest completes walk from Letterkenny to Cork for MND
by Rachel McLaughlin 7 years agoA Dublin priest received a hero’s welcome in Cork this week after finishing a 550KM walk for motor neuron disease. Fr…
Inspirational Fr. Tony gets a warm Letterkenny send off on 550km walk
by Rachel McLaughlin 7 years agoFr Tony Coote received a warm send-off on Tuesday morning from Letterkenny as he makes his way south to Ballydehob in…
Floating SectionLead StoriesNews
Unstoppable priest to get a mighty Donegal send-off on his walk for MND
by Rachel McLaughlin 7 years agoAn Irish priest is set to begin a walk of hope for Motor Neurone Disease this Tuesday in Letterkenny. Donegal residents…