The HSE has been asked to provide detox beds in Donegal for people dealing with drug and alcohol addiction.
There are currently twelve long-stay beds at White Oaks Rehab Centre in Inishowen. The average wait time for treatment is 3-4 weeks.
Carlin House in Letterkenny, run by White Oaks, provides a further four step-down beds.
White Oaks is not run by the HSE, but as the only treatment centre of its kind in the north west region, it faces high demand.
The Regional Health Forum West meeting this week heard a call for the HSE to provide long-stay rehabilitation services in Donegal.
Councillor Gerry McMonagle said that people entering residential programmes prefer to be near home with family support. He pointed out that clients across Donegal, Derry and Tyrone turn to White Oaks.
Cllr McMonagle said: “While there are many good community day services and indeed HSE day services, the thing that is going to help people with addiction is long-stay detox, where we get people back onto a level playing field, get them off the substances they are on and give them a good start for the step out facilities.”
The HSE said it provides residential and detoxification services in other locations across Ireland, and a person does not have to live in a particular area to avail of a treatment.
Cllr McMonagle said that while residential programmes are the most extreme way to get out of an addiction, more plans should be in place to provide beds locally.
“We want to get as many people away from alcohol and drug addiction as we can, and the best way to do that is more places for long-term rehabilitation,” he said.
In response, Dermot Monaghan, Integrated Healthcare Area Manager for Donegal said that the HSE will engage with the Regional Drugs and Alcohol forum to see if there is capacity to expand detox beds in Donegal. Mr Monaghan also shared information on the wide range of day services and home support for people to engage with in their home communities.
Information on local alcohol and addiction services is available on