The Housing Commission Report has failed to recognise homeowners impacted by the Defective Concrete Blocks (DCB) crisis, according to Deputy Charles Ward.
The 100% Redress Party TD said the review should have been an opportunity to address this country’s ‘building failures and its weak building regulations’.
“Instead it is yet another Dublin-focused housing report that attempts to sweep the defective blocks crisis under the carpet, and ignore the thousands of impacted homeowners in the west of the country who are struggling to live in their crumbling houses,” Deputy Ward said.
The Housing Commission Report, which was published in May 2024, is over 250 pages long and addresses issues with the housing system in Ireland.
“I was shocked to find there wasn’t a single mention of the defective blocks crisis,” Deputy Ward added.
“Whether this was an oversight or an intentional omission, it is equally concerning. There is no way that we will be able to tackle the housing crisis in Ireland, without also tackling the defective blocks crisis. The government needs to take proactive steps to address the ongoing crisis and prevent it from ever happening again.”