Speeding at Bridgend in Ramelton has been described as “an accident waiting to happen” by concerned local councillors.
Urgent traffic calming measures have been called for to slow traffic entering Ramelton from the Milford road.
Local residents have described the throttle of passing vehicles as “like earthquakes”, according to Cllr Pauric McGarvey. He and Cllr Declan Meehan both raised motions on this road at Tuesday’s meeting of the Letterkenny-Milford Municipal District.
Cllr McGarvey said that while a flashing speed sign has been installed at the top of the road, it’s not enough.
He added the family that owns the Bridge Bar is in constant fear for the safety of their children crossing and of customers who stand outside in times of good weather.
Cllr Declan Meehan said there have been countless near misses at the corner.
“It’s not Russian roulette, it’s a case of Ramelton roulette with the speed of people coming down that road,” Cllr Meehan said.
“I genuinely believe that it is an accident waiting to happen on that hill and that corner.”
Donegal County Council’s roads section has agreed to carry out an assessment of this location and consider options for improving safety. While the gradient would not suit ramps, Councillors were told that possible sources of funding to carry out safety works would be through a NTA Active Travel Scheme.