Thousands of euro have been raised overnight for the family of a precious baby in need of urgent heart surgery.
Baby Odhrán from Glenfin, the son of Linda and Bernard Mc Ginley, has been battling every day since 12th December last year when he was born eight weeks premature.
Odhrán was born with a serious congenital heart condition and has already undergone several major surgeries and procedures in his short life.
He is now currently waiting for a major open heart surgery (Nikaidoh) while in the care of Crumlin Hospital.
Family friend of the McGinleys, Maelisa Mc Gettigan, has launched a GoFundMe campaign to support them in their hour of need.
“Odhrán’s parents are devoted to their son’s care, but their inability to work has placed an enormous strain on their resources,” Maelisa said.
Linda is from Rathdonnell originally and Bernard is from Ballybofey. They have been getting mammoth levels of support from their communities so far, with more than €6,400 raised in less that 24 hours since the GoFundMe launched.
Maelisa says Odhrán and his family have shown immense strength through every emergency.
She said: “From the beginning, he has faced unimaginable challenges and despite the odds, he has shown an incredible will to live, stunning doctors and nurses with his determination.
“Odhrán’s journey began in the NICU ward in the Letterkenny University Hospital, then transferred to the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin. His early arrival meant that his tiny body had to fight hard for every breath and heartbeat.
“There have been several terrifying moments when his wee life hung in the balance but each time, Odhrán has pulled through with a tenacity that has inspired everyone around him.”
Baby Odhrán has already had one Open Heart Surgery (Pulmonary artery banding) as well as a BAS procedure (Balloon atrial septostomy). He has been diagnosed with TGA (Transposition of the great arteries), DORV (Double outlet right ventricle), AVSD (Atrioventricular septal defect).
As Odhrán awaits surgery, Maelisa said his days are filled with interventions, monitoring and a “constant battle to keep his wee fragile body stable”.
“For Odhrán’s parents and sisters, the emotional toll is immense. Every day is a rollercoaster of hope and fear, as they watch their precious baby fight for his life. They have been by his side every step of the way offering their love and support, despite the exhausting and heart-wrenching journey.”
The GoFundMe aims to raise funds to allow the McGinleys to focus entirely on Odhrán’s recovery, allowing them to travel between Donegal and Dublin, and to cover living expenses while in Crumlin Hospital.
To view and support the fundraiser, visit: