Glenveagh National Park is set to undergo a significant transformation in the coming years and the public is invited to play a crucial role.
A public consultation phase for the draft Visitor Experience and Development Plan for Donegal’s most popular tourist attraction will open this Friday, running until Friday 25th April.
Glenveagh National Park now welcomes over 200,000 visitors a year and requires upgrades to meet visitors’ needs.
The consultation will seek feedback on how to preserve the valuable ecosystem of Glenveagh while enhancing it as a renowned heritage site and visitor destination by prioritising sustainable practices, nature conservation, and exceptional visitor experiences.
The public consultation was launched by Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Biodiversity, Christopher O’Sullivan, TD, who encourages everyone to have their say and engage with this important consultation: “Glenveagh National Park lies in the heart of County Donegal, among the wild and rugged landscape of the Derryveagh Mountains. It is wonderfully rich in both natural and built heritage. The strong structural presence of Glenveagh Castle, its layered history and its beautifully designed gardens are set in a landscape of native woodlands, stunning peatlands and wild rugged mountains which are home to many species of bird, including Peregrine Falcon, Merlin, and the Red Throated Diver.”
The Draft Visitor Experience and Development Plan is being developed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) in partnership with Fáilte Ireland to enhance and promote Ireland’s National Parks.
Niall Ó Donnchú, Director General, NPWS said: “The National Park designation brings with it the need to balance conservation management, visitor services, nature education and habitat enhancement and restoration. The development of this Plan marks the beginning of a time of reflection and renewal for Glenveagh National Park which was first established in 1975.”
The public consultation will run from Friday 14th March to Friday 25th April. A display of the draft Plan will be available in Glenveagh National Park Visitor Centre. All documents and details on how to make a submission will be available on the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage website at from 9am on Friday 14th March.
There will be consultation ‘drop in’ days in Glenveagh Visitor Centre from 10am to 5pm on Saturday 15th March and Saturday 29th March with a presentation on the draft Plan at 2pm on both days.
Emmet Johnston, Regional Manager for Glenveagh National Park said: “The demands on Glenveagh National Park have increased and changed significantly since its first establishment in 1975. The numbers of visitors have increased and we now welcome over 200,000 visitors a year to the Park. The Park infrastructure and services require significant upgrade to cater for these numbers. This plan will set out a vision of renewal for Glenveagh National Park for the next fifty years. We look forward to hearing everyone’s views in the development of that vision.”