Two north Donegal Gaeltacht primary schools participated in the ESB Science Blast in Dublin earlier today.
Scoil Naomh Bríd, na Dúnaibh and Scoil an Ghlasáin, Craoslach, traveled to the RDS to present their experiments to the judges through the medium of Irish. After weeks of preparation, their impressive projects were well received by the panel.
The event provided a wonderful opportunity for all the students from Downings and Creeslough to spend the day together engaging in conversation in Irish. It was a memorable occasion for both schools and the children had a fantastic experience. They hope to return in the future. Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí.
Beyond scientific learning, Science Blast fosters a sense of excitement and achievement, making STEM subjects more accessible and enjoyable. The annual event held also provides a great opportunity for children to collaborate, share ideas and be inspired by the creativity and innovation of their peers.