Rosses AC are celebrating their long-time club treasurer after he reached a milestone marker of completing 100 parkruns.
The club congratulated Hugh McLaughlin on his brilliant achievement which was completed in the past week.
Here are all of Rosses AC’s club notes for this week:
A big well done our long serving Treasurer, who recently took a step back, Hugh McLaughlin on achieving his target of 100 park runs. Hugh started a bit of jogging for fitness and health and has been a stronger supporter of the Dungloe 5k – an event he has said has helped motivate him.
To coincide with doing 100 park runs Hugh had ran 36.2k up to Saturday so by completing last Saturday’s 5k he had done 100 park runs but had almost done the equivalent of a marathon for the week. A great story and huge well done to Hugh. 150 Park Runs his next target.
Condolences from all at Rosses AC to club PRO Keith O Connell. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.
Reminder – Sportshall continues every Wednesday in the RCS Gym at 7pm to 8pm for 7-10 year olds. The club is running a circuits class for 7 weeks which is open to anyone and also our athletes from u14 & older on Tuesday evenings in the hall in Annagry.
Training continueS for all age groups at the track at Carrickfinn at 6:15pm on Mondays and ThursdayS with the focus on indoors and outdoor track and field.