A final verdict in the murder trial of the man accused of killing Danielle McLaughlin in India is expected next month.
Final arguements in the case will be heard at the High Court of Bombay next week, with the presiding judge expected to deliver his verdict within a few weeks of those arguements being heard according to the Sunday World.
This comes as the eighth anniverary of Danielle’s killing in Goa, in March of 2017, approaches.
Local man Vikat Bhagat was arrested and charged with the rape and murder of Danielle, shortly after her body was found in a rural area.
However his murder trial has seen numerous delays, the most recent being a four-month extension to the trial which was demanded by and granted to Bhagat’s lawyers.
Danielle’s mother, Andrea Brannigan, will travel to India to hear the verdict, where for the first time Danielle’s family will be able to observe the trial process.
A GoFundMe has been launched to help Danielle’s family fund that visit to India for the final verdict.
You can view and donate to that fundraiser here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/danielle-mc-laughlin