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Fianna Fáil candidate Pat the Cope Gallagher is asking for your number one vote in the general election on Friday 29th November.
“I represented Donegal over many years as a Councillor, TD, MEP, Minister and Leas-Cheann Comhairle. I am appealing for your No.1 or highest preference vote to allow me to continue working on behalf of you, the people of Donegal.”
Below, you will see his priorities for his time in the Dáil if re-elected again:
- Letterkenny University Hospital (LUH) – An evaluation of efficiency, operation and management with a view to sourcing additional services, increasing staffing numbers and a focused use of additional funding to meet patient and healthcare needs.
- Commit to the delivery of a new Community Hospital in Lifford . Putting in place a comprehensive plan for improving all existing Community Hospitals across the county to meet HIQA standards.
- Community Hospitals are core to our care in the community. More support is required to restore additional services, patient care, staffing numbers and capital improvement works across our community hospitals.
- Increase the availability of Home Support Services and carers support including respite care.
- Increase pyschological and mental health services availability for all age groups.
- Increase ambulance cover.
- Support the International Medical Graduate Programme to tackle GP shortages.
- Increase social and affordable housing schemes.
- Continue and expand on the current housing schemes and supports – vacant property scheme, help to buy, first time buyers grant.
- With the recent renewal of the Planning Acts and Guidelines; A priority must be the support of rural families seeking to build on their family lands. This includes resolving the access issue for new builds on the N56 and other National roads.
- Prioritise the delivery of the Ballybofey-Stranorlar Bypass, Bonagee Link Letterkenny and Manorcunningham-Lifford roads to maximise the benefits of the proposed A5 by providing direct access to the North West.
- Increase the funding available for regional and county road networks within the county. Increase funding for specific road improvements in order to improve regional roads faster than at present.
- Restore the Boithre Aise programme for local access roads in Gaeltacht areas, increase the funding for LIS roads in order to clear the backlog of applicants.
- Provide additional funding for our rural villages and towns for renewal and improvement programmes.
- The Enhanced Defective Concrete Block Scheme will require constant and continuous reassessment, the scheme must be monitored in order to deliver to the ever-changing needs of the thousands affected by the defective blocks in their family homes.
- No family should be adversely financially impacted by Defective Concrete Blocks.
- If elected I will continue to prioritise the funding of this scheme and remain in contact with those affected.
- The enhanced defective concrete block scheme must deliver the results that meets the needs of the constituents of Donegal – it has to be the solution that works.
- Support the increase of 10% and making it retrospective for works in progress and homeowners who have completed their works.

Pat The Cope Gallagher
- Employment Growth – continue to support local and indigenous employment creation, encourage the IDA in better regional employment creation, support Gaeltacht employment through Udarás Na Gaeltachta.
- Restoration of the lower VAT rate for Hospitality is critical for counties such as Donegal that depend on tourism.
- Seek supports for struggling Donegal based SME’s.
- Fishing and our coastal communities – support the call for a stand-alone Fisheries and Marine Minister with special responsibilities for the revival of our entire fishing sector, including fish processing and aquaculture.
- Implement a fishing sector revival strategy that includes the examination of the SFPA, BIM, Bord Bia, Marine Institute and Department of Marine, in order to restore confidence and growth to our fishing sector.
- Agriculture – reduce the burden of bureaucracy and red tape, that is overburdening our farming sector.
- Make the ACRES scheme more practical with better focus on the farmer and our rural communities.
- Continue to improve on the funding opportunities for our primary and secondary schools, including increasing the capitation grants, summer and captial works programme.
- Address road safety issues outside of our schools.
- Increase the availability of support services for our schools – learning supports, special needs assistants – in particular SNA allocation, expand the DEIS programme.
- Atlantic Technological University is key to the provision of third level education across the Northwest region – Letterkenny is central to the ATU and needs the full support of the next Government to continue on the successful expansion of the past years.
- Retain the reduced student contribution for third level students, including disregard of student income and further increase the Student Grants thresholds in future budgets.
- Continue to invest in the childcare sector and early years education ensuring business viability for both private and community providers.

Donegal Airport
- Tacú le pobal na n-oileán le maoiniú a bheith ar fáil do chistí maoinithe na n-oileán le freastal ar riachtanais na n-oileán.
- Tacú le forbairtí agus réimse tacaíochtaí do phobal na Gaeltachta agus don Ghaeilge, don chultúr agus na healaíona.
- Continued support for Donegal Airport, insuring its future growth and the regional importance of the airport for connectivity and potential tourism growth.
- Promoting a green economy in Donegal to sustain employment and innovation for the future.
- Accelerate flooding prevention measures.
Politics is about solving the issues, delivering to our county, helping and supporting our communities, families and people right across the constituency of Donegal. – Pat the Cope