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I’m Nuala Carr the Green Party candidate for Donegal. I live in Letterkenny with my husband and son.
My background is in environmental science as well as social science and I’ve spent many years working in renewable energy planning and development.
As the Donegal Green Party candidate, I’m an advocate for climate action and a just energy transition in Ireland’s northwest region.
I’m looking for volunteers to get involved in my ‘No Posters’ campaign.
If you want to help fund my campaign to make Donegal more resilient, you can do so at
My core commitments include:
· Climate and Environment – Protect and enhance Donegal’s rich biodiversity, forest wildlife and marine ecosystems. Build local partnerships to drive sustainable growth, keeping wealth and talent within our communities.
· Mica – I support 100% redress. I will be the voice within the Green Party to stand up for affected homeowners. Building standards should be higher and should be properly enforced.
· Transport – The Greens in government have delivered greatly improved public transport in Donegal. I want to improve this even more, along with more cycleways and greenways.
· The Green Economy – Green policies in government will continue to bring jobs and services to our regions and empower communities through supporting local
Give me your number one vote and have your voice heard, for you, and your children.
Watch the below interview with St Eunan’s College student Sam O’Donnell, in which Carr describes how the Green Party is about making climate action happen now:
· X – @DonegalGreens
· Inst – nualacarr25
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