Donegal County Council is holding information events to provide information on the supports available to refurbish Vacant and Derelict properties.
Please come along and find out further information on the following supports – no appointments are needed:
Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant Scheme
Grants up to €84,000 available to refurbish vacant and derelict properties that have been vacant for two years or more and will be the owner’s principal private residence or made available to rent.
Repair and Lease Scheme
Financial support of €80,000 per unit available to bring vacant properties back into use to lease to Donegal County Council for social housing in areas where there is a need.
Local Authority Purchase and Renovation Loan Scheme
Potential Loan for those first-time buyers who have been declined a loan from 2 traditional lenders and meet all the other qualifying criteria.
Find Me A Home In Donegal Scheme
Matchmaking scheme to put owners of vacant properties in contact with those seeking to purchase vacant properties.