Older People’s Councils are vital for communication and representation in our county, Cllr Niamh Kennedy, Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council told the AGM of the Donegal Age Friendly Programme and Older Persons Council.
Moya Brennan, Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh and Jim McGuinness were among the well-known faces at Ionad Naomh Padraig, Dobhair last Wednesday.
“Since inception, the Donegal Older Persons Council has regularly consulted with older people through a variety of formats. This information has shaped the work of the OPC and informed the services delivered by other agencies,” said Cllr Kennedy.
Cllr Kennedy reflected on the many successful initiatives the programme delivered and adding that this work continues referring to the Age Friendly Business Recognition Training delivered in conjunction with the Local Enterprise Office and Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce where 20 participants completed the training to become designated as an Age Friendly Businesses.
Attendees were greeted by Caroline McDaid Chairperson on the OPC who urged new members to register and join the executive committee. “This is your opportunity to inform and direct us on what are the most important issues for you as an older person in Donegal are and in the communities you live. We all want to be heard and to feel like our voice matters”.
Donegal Older Persons Council members pictured at the Donegal Age Friendly Programme AGM
Cathaoirleach Cllr Niamh Kennedy & Jim Mc Guinness
Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh a founding member of Altan internationally recognised for her exceptional musical talent and dedication to promoting the Irish language through music and song was introduced by Caroline McDaid, along with Jim McGuinness, a ‘true legend and hero to the people of Donegal’, whose journey from local footballer to renowned coach, both in Gaelic football and soccer, exemplifies persistence, innovation and leadership. Their interactive discussion offered a unique perspective, sharing insights from both sporting and cultural realms to inspire positive ageing.
Caroline acknowledged that the Donegal Programme is honoured that Moya Brennan is Donegal’s Age Friendly Ambassador, stating her personal endorsement significantly benefits the promotion of this important programme.
Moya Brennan, Donegal Age Friendly Ambassador
John G McLaughlin Chief Executive of Donegal County Council and Chair of Donegal Age Friendly Alliance highlighted the importance of many agencies and organisations involved, either directly involved on the Alliance, or by supporting projects and initiatives, embedding the Age Friendly ethos across service provision.
“I acknowledge and thank the members of the Older People’s Council Executive Committee for their dedication and commitment and wished the incoming executive committee very well”.
Donegal’s Age Friendly Programme Manager Rosita Mahony explained the AGM coincided with Positive Ageing Week, an initiative to celebrate the contributions of older people. ‘’This week in addition to delivering business training, the Programme welcomed judges to Narin Beach as the Creating Age Friendly & Inclusive Beach Access initiative has been shortlisted by Age Friendly Ireland”. She also mentioned the Healthy Island Initiatives which are implementing health promoting projects to sustain vibrant communities on Tory and Arranmore islands.
Clodagh Murray Healthy Age Friendly Homes co-ordinator summarised her responsibility to support the ability of older people to live in their homes with dignity and independence for as long as possible. “The ambition is to enable everyone to live longer, healthier lives by keeping care close to home and expanding the range of health and social care services in the community.”
Caroline McDaid Chairperson OPC, John McLaughlin Chief Executive Donegal County Council, Cathaoirleach Cllr Niamh Kennedy, Rosita Mahony, Paddy Doherty Divisional Manager Community Development, Mairead Cranley Age Friendly Regional Manager with Moya Brennan Age Friendly Ambassador, Jim Mc Guinness, Mairead Ní Mhaonaigh
Karen Mc Clintock presented Patient Advocacy Services, outlining the role of officers in providing access to information and helping identify options and possible outcomes.
In her closing remarks, Mairead Cranley Regional Manager for Age Friendly Ireland, added “if you design with an older person in mind, you will universally support all people of all ages and build a sustainable County for all”.
Moya Brennan was joined on stage by Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh for an inspirational and heartening performance of ‘Gleanntáin Ghlas Ghaoth Dobhair’ marking the conclusion of the 2024 AGM of the Donegal Age Friendly Programme and Older Persons Council.
Seated left to right – Cathaoirleach Cllr Niamh Kennedy, Moya Brennan Age Friendly Ambassador, Jim Mc Guinness, Mairead Ní Mhaonaigh, John G. McLaughlin Chair of Age Friendly Alliance, Standing left to right – Mairead Lynch Community Development, Rosita Mahony Age Friendly Programme Manager Donegal, Mairead Cranley Regional Manager for Age Friendly Ireland, Clodagh Murray Healthy Homes Co-ordinator & Trudi O’Reilly Technical Advisor, Donegal County Council