Student engineer caught drifting in his car to do driving course

September 23, 2024

A Donegal Judge has ordered a budding marine engineer charged with a road traffic offence to complete the Pro Social Driving Course.

Ross Meenaghan was before Judge Sandra Murphy at Ballyshannon District Court.

Inspector Rosaleen Logue told how Gardai were on patrol on August 6, 2003 at Atlantic Way Bundoran, where a large crowd of car enthusiasts converged.

At around 8pm, officers observed a Nissan 200sx drifting and burning out its tyres on the road. A large crowd of the public were gathered in close proximity.

Gardai stopped the vehicle and conveyed Meenaghan, a 23-year-old of Ballymore, Attymass, Ballina, Co Mayo, to Ballyshannon Garda Station, where he was later charged.

Inspector Logue described the driving as ‘careless in its entirety’.

Meenaghan solicitor said his client cooperated fully with the gardai and the matter came as an embarrassment for he and his family.

He told the court that, when apprehended, Meenaghan told gardai: “I made a mistake. I wasn’t thinking. I’m awful sorry. My brother is going to kill me.”

The solicitor described the manoeuvre as “engaging in burnout and fishtailing on a public road”, something he said was “foolish, as it burns out the brakes and the tyres”.

He told Judge Murphy that his client is in college in Cork, where he is studying to become a marine engineer and has one year left before he qualifies.

The court heard that Meenaghan has one previous conviction, for which he received a 500 fine for driving without insurance.

Judge Murphy directed that Meenaghan complete the ProSocial Driving Course.

When told that Meenaghan planned to go abroad “within the next month”, Judge Murphy told the accused that he had “plenty of time” to do the course.

“This is a young man lucky enough to be fined and not disqualified for driving without insurance and then he carried out this type of behaviour,” Judge Murphy said.

The case was adjourned until October 4. Meenaghan was remanded on continuing bail and Judge Murphy warned that he also “needs to turn up” on the next date.