Letterkenny man fined €200 for stealing from Lidl

September 18, 2024

A Letterkenny man has been convicted of stealing €180 worth of groceries from Lidl.

Thomas Ward, a 33-year-old of The Gardens, Ballymacool, appeared at Letterkenny District Court over two thefts from Lidl in Letterkenny.

On March 12, 2024, Ward was charged with stealing groceries worth €80. He was also charged with stealing groceries to the value of €100 from Lidl on September 16, 2023.

The charges are contrary to Section 4 of the Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act 2001.

Ward tendered a guilty plea in respect of each incident.

Sergeant Jim Collins said the accused passed all points of payment without paying for the items, none of which were recovered.

Ward has a total of 13 previous convictions, the court heard, including one theft matter from 2012, while the others were for road traffic and public order offences.

Solicitor for Ward, Mr Patsy Gallagher, said his client was accompanied to court by his wife.

Mr Gallagher said alcohol was involved on one occasion and on the other his client had spent money on alcohol which was supposed to go towards groceries.

“He is deeply remorseful and apologetic,” Mr Gallagher said. He said his client, who he described as ‘a man dealing with demons, made full admissions to gardai and has a very supportive family.

Jude Éiteáin Cunningham convicted Ward on one of the charges and fined him €200, allowing five months to pay. The other charge was marked as taken into account.