Man charged with bombarding Milford Garda station with menacing phonecalls

August 16, 2024

A man who bombarded a Co Donegal Garda Station with menacing, abusive and offensive phonecalls has appeared in court.

Tony Ward was brought to Letterkenny District Court by Gardai after being charged with a number of offences.

The charges relate to calls made to Milford Garda Station for the past six months.

Garda Adam Daly gave evidence of arresting Ward, aged 60, at his home at Muckish Terrace in Creeslough on Wednesday last, August 14th.

He was charged with a number of offences but made no reply.

He was brought before Judge Deirdre Gearty where Gardai said they had no objection to bail.

Ward is charged that between February 2nd, 2024 and August 11th, 2024, he did for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needles anxiety to another person, persistently made telephone calls to another person without reasonable cause, to wit An Garda Siochana, Milford, Co Donegal.

This charge is Contrary to Section 13 (1b) and Section 13 (2) of the Post Office Amendment Act, 1951.

Ward is also charged that between February 27th, 2024 and August 11th, 2024, he (i) did send by means of the telecommunications system operated by a licensed operator a message or other matter which was grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character, (ii) did send by means of the telecommunications system operated by a licensed operator for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needles anxiety to another person, a message which you knew to be false; (iii) did persistently make use of the telecommunications system operated by a licensed operator for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needles anxiety to another person.

This charge is Contrary to Section 13 (1) of the Post Office Amendment Act, 1951.

The accused man is also charged that on August 14th at Muckish Terrace, Creeslough, he had in his possession a controlled drug, namely herbal cannabis.

Garda Sergeant Gerard Dalton said that Gardai had no objection to bail but asked Judge Gearty for a number of conditions to be imposed on the accused man.

They included that Ward refrain from directly contacting Milford Garda Station and only to call 999 when he has an emergency.

He was also ordered to refrain from using abusive or insulting language if he has to contact the emergency services on 999.

Gardai also asked the court to ensure that Ward refrain from drinking alcohol to which he replied “How can I do that, I’m an alcoholic?”

Solicitor for the accused, Frank Murphy, said he accepted the bail conditions for his client but said he did not know how they were going to be monitored.

The case was adjourned to the next sitting of Falcarragh District Court for directions in the case from the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Ward was granted legal aid after Mr Murphy told the court his client was unemployed.