Roads engineers of Donegal County Council are examining problematic junctions on the main routes to Donegal Town following a number of incidents in recent weeks.
Two people were hospitalised on Thursday last following a two-vehicle collision on the N15 between the town and Clar Chapel.
Concerns also surround the Tullyleague exit just after the Tullyearl roundabout and other areas.
Fine Gael Councillor Manus Boyle brought Donegal residents’ fears to the council on Monday.
In an update following the meeting, Cllr Boyle said the discussion centred on several problematic right-hand turn lanes on main roads surrounding Donegal Town.
Cllr Boyle said he has been assured by the roads engineer that these junction issues have been reported to the authority.
“With my representation this morning this will further reinforce the urgency of the matter,” Cllr Boyle said on Monday.