Man fined after verbally abusing Letterkenny Gardai during rally weekend

June 25, 2024

A young Belfast man got more than he bargained for when launching a foul-mouthed tirade to Letterkenny gardai at the weekend.

When Caolan Johnston was arrested for his outburst, gardai uncovered five warrants for his arrest, dating back to an incident in 2022 when he caused €1,250 worth of damage to five cars on Main Street, Greencastle.

Johnston, aged 21 and of Brians Well Grove, Dunmurry, Belfast, was hauled before a special sitting of Letterkenny District Court.

Johnston was handed a hefty penalty, totalling €1,450.

Sergeant Jim Collins told the court that gardai on mobile patrol observed a male, now known to be Johnston, highly intoxicated in the middle of the road at Sallaghagraine, Letterkenny, on June 22, 2024.

Gardai approached Johnston, who squared up to officers and called them ‘rat bastards’. Johnston was arrested and brought to Letterkenny Garda Station.

When he was being processed at the station, it was discovered that five bench warrants were in existence for Johnston.

These all related to incidents of criminal damage on August 29, 2022 at Main Street, Greencastle.

Sergeant Collins said that persons at this location awoke at 12.45am to the sound of glass smashing.

Johnston was observed jumping on five different cars, smashing windscreens on each vehicle.

Damage was caused to a BMW, an Audi, a Nissan Qashqai and two Volkswagen Golfs. The damage totalled €1,250

The court heard that Johnston has no previous convictions.

Mr Patsy Gallagher, solicitor for Johnston, told the court that his client’s mother travelled from Belfast to be at court with her son after he was arrested.

Mr Gallagher asked the court to take into account Johnston’s plea, the support from his mother and an intention to repay the damage.

Mr Gallagher said Johnston hopes to raise the money by working over the summer months.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham convicted Johnston on each of the five warrants for criminal damage and directed compensation totalling €1,250 be paid to those who were at a loss. Johnston was given six months to discharge the sum.

Judge Cunningham said she was “not impressed at all by the choice of words used and directed at members of An Garda Síochána, who were simply carrying out their duties on a particularly busy weekend and shouldn’t be subjected to that level of abuse”.

On that public order charge, Johnston was convicted and fined €200.