Letterkenny man John Wilkie is raising more funds and awareness of the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, following a hugely successful fundraising trek up Kilimanjaro last year.
The well-known karate sensei is hosting a coffee morning on Thursday 23rd May at the Station House Hotel Letterkenny. All are welcome from 10.45am – 12.45pm to meet some amazing dogs, speak to volunteers and find out about the life-changing work of the charity.
There’s also a chance to win some wonderful spot prizes and enter the national draw to win a holiday!
John proudly presented €11,144 to the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind last summer after marking his 60th birthday with a trek up Kilimanjaro, the highest single free-standing mountain in the world.
John’s passion for the cause stems from his work, having recently trained as a care assistant.
“Part of my job is to assist people who are blind. I realised how important accessibility is and how life-changing a guide dog can be,” John said.
After learning the expense of training a dog to such a high level, John wanted to play his part in supporting a dog’s journey.
The average cost of training a dog is in the region of €53,000. It costs over €4 million per year to run Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, with 85% of income coming through voluntary donations and fundraising.

John Wilkie on Kilimanjaro
The Donegal Branch of the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is busy preparing for Guide Dog Day on 24th May, with dog walks and fundraising events around the county. (See more here)
Donegal will soon be welcoming three more Labrador pups, who will be starting their first year here with puppy raisers taking them on their first steps of training.

A litter of guide dog pups, of which three will be raised in Donegal this year
Volunteers are always needed to support the charity’s work in Donegal, from fundraising volunteers to puppy raisers, to temporary boarders, there are loads of opportunities.
Find out about the different roles available: https://buff.ly/3zD1y9r or follow the Facebook page at Irish Guide Dogs Donegal Branch