An east Donegal student’s spectacular night-time photographs are bringing his schoolmates and teachers to another space.
Astrophotographer, Shane Sandy, is just one of the very creative and multi talented students at Deele College, Raphoe.
“One of Shane’s passions, amongst many others, is space,” a spokesperson for the school said.

One of the night-time skies captured by Shane Sandy.
“The parts of space in these pictures are millions of light years away from us here on earth, that’s literally millions of years travelling as fast as light can travel. We are very proud to have these four pictures, taken by Shane, displayed outside Room 35 for any other space enthusiasts to check out.”
The photographs Shane has recently taken of the night sky using his specialised equipment include The Andromeda Galaxy, The Orion Nebula, The Pleiadis Star Cluster, and The Flame Nebula.