Main pic: GAA President Jarlath Burns with some of the children who took part in today’s Callum Friel Memorial Cup at St Eunan’s College. Pics: Joe Boland/NW NewsPix.
GAA President Jarlath Burns compared the unique St Eunan’s College building in Letterkenny today to the ‘Hogwarts’ school in Harry Potter!
The Armagh man made the quip following a special blitz there between ten local primary schools.
The event was organised by the school’s Transition Future Leaders class.
Mr Burns told the students they were lucky to attend a school resembling the famous ‘Hogwarts’.
GAA President Jarlath Burns pictured with students and teachers from Glenswilly NS who were the winning school in the Callum Friel Memorial Cup. (NW Newspix)
Callum Friel Plate winners Dunfanaghey NS pictured with Donegal star Caolan McGonagle. (NW Newspix)