Donegal Sports Partnership has been allocated €437,887 in core funding through Sport Ireland for 2024.
The local organisation will also receive €7,000 for Women in Sport.
Welcoming the announcement, Donegal minister, Charlie McConalogue, said: “This is a significant investment in Donegal Sports Partnership which does tremendous work in our county. The total allocation of €444, 877 is the fifth highest in the county and increase of €60,000 on last year’s allocation. This latest investment will help assist the team at Donegal Sports Partnership to continue the tremendous work they do throughout our local communities.”
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine added: “Since it was established in 2001, Donegal Sports Partnership has worked hard to deliver programmes to increase participation rates, particularly in the hard-to-reach groups by providing high quality training and coach education programmes.
“Sport and physical activity have always been key features of life in Donegal, and Donegal Sports Partnership plays a vital role in promoting a wide selection of programmes that are inclusive and contribute to people’s physical and mental well-being.”
The allocation of €437,887 for Donegal Sports Partnership is part of a record investment of almost €30 million in core funding support to sporting organisations announced today by the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin, and the Minister of State for Sport and Physical Education, Thomas Byrne.
€17.3 million is being invested in the National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) this year, an increase of €1.3 million on the 2023 figure. Investment in the network of Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) has increased by €1 million, with a total investment of €11.4 million being allocated across the 29 LSPs.
“Theis continued increase in core funding for sports bodies demonstrates the government’s commitment to supporting Irish sport,” Minister McConalogue said.
“It will ensure that sport bodies can continue to provide valuable opportunities for everyone to participate in sport, in line with our National Sports Policy. It is vital that organisations like Donegal Sports Partnership continue to receive government support to allow them to continue the excellent work they do for so many groups, clubs, and individuals,” he added.