The Ballyshannon Drama Society is celebrating after their production of “Margaret” secured a place at the prestigious All Ireland Drama Festival in Athlone.
This past weekend, the talented troupe triumphed at the Ballyshannon Drama Festival, taking first place, and followed that success with a strong second-place finish at the Strabane Festival.
“Margaret” delves into the complex life of Margaret Thatcher, specifically focusing on her later years. The play explores her fractured relationships – with Ireland, the miners, her own family, the public eye, and the men who made up her cabinet. As Margaret reflects on her past, she’s confronted by demons, feelings of guilt, and the ghosts of her triumphs, all vying for her attention.
The production features Rachel O’Connor in the central role of Margaret Thatcher, with Shaun Byrne portraying both her devoted husband Denis Thatcher and a multitude of other characters throughout the play.
Both O’Connor and Byrne are no strangers to accolades, having garnered numerous Best Actress and Best Actor awards during their careers.
Adding another layer to this impressive performance, “Margaret” was penned by Shaun Byrne himself, who hails from Ballybofey. This marks the third consecutive year that Byrne has qualified for the All Ireland finals with an original play. Previously, he achieved this feat with the Butt Drama Circle.