A great new addition has been made to Dunkineely Community Centre which now boasts a large upstairs area for courses, distance working and more.
Huge thanks to the centre’s Board, Peter McFarlane, Paul Breslin and all involved in this project. Any queries in relation to this great new space feel free to message them on their Facebook Page or contact any committee member. You can also pop in for a look between 9am and 2pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
N56 Improvements
We are delighted to announce that €50k has been allocated from TII funding (for national roads and greenways) for designing and planning safe routes through the Dunkineely area.
This is not a replacement for urgent measures needed at Dunkineely NS, but it is the start of what may be a long road to improved safety in Dunkineely, Bruckless and in between. For both walkers and cars.
We hope that the output from this work will be an agreed plan for works in the area, allowing us to take the next step of costing and applying for funds to implement the improvements. We will keep you informed of progress as we hear more.
Bug Hotel
Come along to Bruckless Park at 12 noon on 9th March and help us build a bug hotel for the community.
Insects will shortly be coming out of hibernation and looking for new homes. Bug hotels are a great way to help these tiny creatures, who help us and the planet in so many ways.
Be prepared to get your hands dirty as we forage for twigs, leaves, bricks and old plastic. Learn to build your own.
Kids must be accompanied by adults. Adult gloves can be provided.
Why are bugs so important? Want to find out more about insects and how they help the environment globally and locally? Look out for our talks running on the weekend of 13 th April. Sponsored by Changemakers.
School Enrollment
All three national schools are now accepting applications for enrollment in the 2024/25 year.
Dunkineely NS: Call into the school or email dunkineelynationalschool@gmail.com.
Bruckless NS: Enrolment forms are available on the school website under enrolment section (brucklessns.ie). Alternatively, call into the school or phone 074 973 7366.
Killaghtee NS: Call on 074 973 7433.
Killaghtee NS will be holding a fundraising table quiz on Saturday 9 th March at 7:30pm.
Located in the Killaghtee Church Hall, adults and kids are welcome.
There will be refreshments and a raffle on the night!
All are welcome.
Killaghtee Accordion Band
The band season has begun, and practice is well under way.
Come out and support this amazing group who make every event in our area that much better. Their first outing will be our very own Dunkineely St.Patrick’s Parade on 16 th March, at 3:30pm. They are then off to Killybegs the next day.
Active Retirement
The Killaghtee Active Retirement Association meets every second Wednesday at the Dunkineely GAA Centre. The group welcomes visitors wanting to know about its activities, as well as those individuals wishing to become members.
For more information, or an update on meeting dates, please feel free to contact the Secretary, Robin Tweed, either by mobile at 085-220-1009, or by e-mail at:
Church Services
Methodist Church: Normal Sunday Services will be held at 10:30am in Ardara and 12 noon in Dunkineely.
Catholic Church: Church of St Joseph and St Conal Newsletter available online at: tiny.cc/PBNL
Church of Ireland: The normal Sunday service will be at 10:45am in Killaghtee.