The Loughs Agency has made the decision to maintain the closure of the Native Oyster Fishery in Lough Foyle.
The suspension will continue from 6pm on 29 th February until 6pm on 31 st March.
The decision to keep the closure in place comes following an analysis of the latest stock assessment data, which is gathered by Loughs Agency Scientists on an annual basis. The information obtained from the fishery has highlighted the need to
prioritise conservation, with the evidence available supporting the continued suspension of the Native Oyster Fishery.
“We took the necessary time over recent months gathering and reviewing as much information as possible in order to make an informed decision on the Native Oyster Fishery in the Foyle area,” Sharon McMahon, Loughs Agency CEO, said.
“After careful consideration, the extended closure has been deemed an essential course of action to ensure the continued conservation of oyster stocks.”
Ms McMahon said it is not a decision they have taken lightly.
“We are fully aware of the impact that this will have on our Native Oyster Fishery stakeholders in relation to the fishing of oysters in Lough Foyle. However, it is imperative that we take decisions in a science-led approach with the future sustainability of the fishery and the viability of the oyster population in mind.”
Loughs Agency Marine Scientists, she added, have provided evidence highlighting the necessity of this decision in order to ensure an acceptable biomass of spawning stock remains in the population for next season.
“They have also made clear that removal of 100% of the stock above the minimum landing size is not sustainable, and removing a large proportion of stock over 80mm this season could have a detrimental impact on future recruitment to the population.
“Our remit as a regulatory body allows us to make informed management decisions such as this in real-time, which will help maintain a sustainable fishery for the future.”