Two Loreto Letterkenny students have won a coveted prize in the BT Young Scientist Exhibition for their investigation into a crucial element of the defective concrete blocks crisis.
Siobhán O’Brien and Ciara Mc Dermott won third place in the Senior Group Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences with their ‘Coastal Crumbling’ project.
The students, mentored by their teacher Ms. Margaret O’Reilly, delved into one of Donegal’s most pressing scientific issues. They set out to investigate if coastal homes built with defective blocks deteriorate faster than inland homes built with defective blocks.
Their in-depth project looked at the relationship between the pH and the structural integrity of defective concrete blocks affected by mica. The remarkable results showed that coastal homes were deteriorating much faster than inland homes.
Through their project, the students advocated for people affected by defective concrete blocks and highlighted the urgency of the problem.
The Loreto Letterkenny community are this evening celebrating the students’ achievement. A spokesperson said “Massive congratulations to you both and to your teacher Ms. Margaret O’Reilly. We are so proud of you.”
Find out more about Coastal Crumbling here: