Danu, a young women’s choir from Letterkenny, are currently “crushing” it in the Big Apple.
The group headed to New York where they will be playing a series of concerts during their stay from January 9th to 14th.
The group headed Stateside along with St Aloysius’ College, Carrigtwohill to participate in the Barbershop Harmony Society’s Midwinter Convention.
The Irish Association of Barbershop Singers wished all the singers the very best on their journey.
“We are so proud of you all and cannot wait to cheer you on from afar while on this adventure!
“It is such an exciting honour to get to sing at this event, and you’ll get to hear and experience so much incredible barbershop while there – fly the flag high for us!
“Both choirs have put in a huge amount of work into organising and singing to put their best foot forward in New York!
“Thank you to everyone involved in supporting, coaching, fundraising and logistics – these kinds of things don’t magically happen and these young people are about to have the trip of a lifetime,” said a spokesperson.