The first callout of the year for the volunteer Killybegs Coast Guard proved to be a false alarm.
The crew was tasked at 5.00pm on Sunday to a Personal Location Beacon (PLB) activation in the Murvagh, Donegal town area.
The Sligo-based Rescue 118 helicopter was also sent to the area and did a thorough search.
Malin Head Coast Guard radio station broadcasted messages over the VHF channels asking for any vessels in the inner Donegal bay area to contact them with any information regarding the PLB activation.
“Two of our vehicles proceeded with a number of members to the area and made enquiries of locals and people out walking Murvagh beach, all piers and slipways were also checked,” a spokesperson for Killybegs Coast Guard said.
“After two hours, we concluded our search with nothing to report or find. All assets returned to their respective stations.”