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Are you looking to explore your studying options in 2024?
Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Donegal is hosting an Open Evening event which is taking place on Wednesday 24th of January on the Letterkenny campus from 4pm – 7pm.
If you are a Leaving Certificate student, the parent of a Leaving Certificate student, or considering returning to education or upskilling in 2024, this event is for you.
A range of informative scheduled talks have been organised for the event, from the CAO application process, transitioning to third level, online, part-time professional development offerings and financing your third level journey.
Attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy guided campus tours and to meet with academic and student support staff who will be on hand to provide information and advice on the evening.
To register your attendance at this event, click here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=RVWFR7sAAEimX-eRBOwPxLz-DET7nbpOpeIcchPLlCFUOEszODhWNTNKQVNEOTgyT04zUFI4RjQ4Uy4u&wdLOR=c01E001A7-7056-4D28-B90A-0DEF05B6529A
If you are interested in finding out more about ATU Donegal’s upcoming events then contact Schools Engagement Officer, Victoria Wilson on victoria.wilson@atu.ie
Your future is here.