Donegal Daily would like to thank everyone who assisted in our appeal this morning to identify the weaver in this wonderful photo from 1978.
He is Josie Gallagher, a skilled craftsman of Magee of Donegal.
Christine Milne AO, the former leader of the Australian Greens, contacted us seeking help to identify the worker who played memorable role in her travels to Donegal over 40 years ago.
While on a trip around the county, Christine visited a local shop in south Donegal and purchased a yard and a half of Donegal tweed. She intended to make it into a skirt when she brought it home. While she still has the tweed, she could not recall the name of the shop or the weaver.
An appeal this morning on Donegal Daily soon identified Josie, a talented hand weaver, pictured above concentrating carefully on his work.
Christine has thanked the people of Donegal for their help, saying: “The tweed cloth has a far richer story having now identified the person who made it and the business which sold it, forty five years ago, Magee Weaving in Donegal Town.”
The Donegal tweed which Christine brought home to Tasmania