Gardaí in Donegal are reminding members of the public and bar staff to educate themselves on the ‘ask for Angela’ campaign.
The campaign seeks to assist people who find themselves in an unsafe or vulnerable situation whilst socialising.
At a time when online dating has reached an all-time peak, the campaign encourages individuals to discreetly alert staff members if they require help and/or are seeking to remove themselves from a situation.
By approaching bar staff and asking for Angela, the code word alerts staff that you’re feeling uncomfortable and need a way to get out of your situation.
Gardaí have delivered ‘Ask for Angela’ Posters and window stickers to local establishments that support the campaign Donegal.
The advice for staff using the campaign is as follows:
1. Offer to take the person asking for help to a part of the venue not in sight of the public or potential threat (Staff room, Kitchen, toilets) to speak with them
2. Offer to call the person a taxi or assist them in calling a friend/family member to come and collect them
3. Where safe to do so (the person asking for help is out of sight and the staff consider it safe) request the person causing the distress to leave the venue
4. Ask the person in distress what it is they want to do? It might be they just want to alert staff that things are becoming uncomfortable and might need someone to keep watch whilst they collect their possessions from the area where they were seated.
5. Do Not allow the person asking for help to leave the venue in sight of the person causing them distress as this could lead to them being followed out of the venue and placed at higher risk
6. If the person causing the distress becomes angry consider calling the Gardaí for assistance or follow your corporate policy on this issue
The ‘Ask For Angela’ Campaign is a collaboration between An Garda Siochana, The Vintners Association, The Hoteliers Federation and the Joint Policing Committee Donegal.