Letterkenny Athletic Club is having its annual Christmas Dinner and awards night on Saturday the 9th December in the Radisson Blu Hotel at 7.30pm.
Tickets are now available from the committee members and also on the klubfunder.com website.
All members both past and present are welcome to attend.
LAC meets Tuesday 5.15pm and at 6.30pm for an interval running session, Thursday evening for a hill run at 6pm, Saturday morning at 9.30am for a tempo run and Sunday morning at 8am for a long run.
All runs start at the Aura. All levels catered for and encouraged.
Fit 4 Life which is run by LAC in conjunction with the Donegal Sports Partnership takes place every Monday at 5.45pm on the track at the Aura Leisure Centre Letterkenny.
The aim of the programme is to reach out to those who wish to improve their fitness and all are most welcome any Monday they choose to attend.
Fit 4 Life is not about speed but fitness and the coaches from LAC particularly welcome newcomers.