Members of Men’s Sheds from counties Down and Armagh visited two sheds in Donegal yesterday.
They spent time at the Ballybofey and Stranorlar and the Donegal town Men’s Sheds through the Shared Learning Mens Sheds Project. The Shared Island Civic Society Fund is an initiative designed to promote practical North-South cooperation.

The party visits B&S Men’s Shed.
During yesterday’s visits, the men in Ballybofey and Stranorlar as well as Donegal showcased the activities and projects that take place in their venues. These included woodwork, art, gardening, and many more. One of the biggest attractions in Ballybofey was the beautiful model of Glenfin Church, painstakingly made by Eugene McNeill and his colleagues. This model (below) must be seen to be believed.

The scale model of Glenfin Chapel, painstakingly made by Eugene McNeill and his colleagues at Ballybofey & Stranorlar Men’s Shed.
The visitors also got a talk about the local area through history, geography, and even sport. In the afternoon, the visitors got a guided tour of the fantastic Donegal Castle for some culture in Donegal town.

The group visits Donegal town Men’s Shed.
The County Donegal visit was the first of a two-day visit to the northwest for the Down and Armagh sheds. On day two, the ‘shedders’ visited Kinlough and Ballinamore in Leitrim.
The visits were the result of a partnership between County Down Rural Community Network (CDRCN) and the Irish Mens Sheds Association with the assistance of Donegal Mens Shed Network (DLDC) and Leitrim Mens Sheds.
This capacity-building project will engage 100 men from 20 sheds in counties Down, Armagh, Donegal, and Leitrim in four learning exchange visits.The aim is to provide opportunities to link Shedders from different areas, build new relationships, develop networking opportunities, break down barriers, build skills, and share learning among participants.
The return visits for the Donegal and Leitrim sheds to visit Co Armagh and Down sheds will take place on the 5th and 6th of December.

No Men’s Shed is complete without tea and treats.