The Loreto Letterkenny school community is united in mourning following the death of a much-loved former colleague and deputy principal, Miss Patricia Gallagher.
Miss Gallagher, of Glena, Mountain Top, Letterkenny passed away on Wednesday 27th September.
Known affectionately as Patsy, Miss Gallagher was a highly respected member of the teaching staff.
She taught maths and French in the school for many years. In her latter years, she served as deputy principal.
Miss Gallagher has been remembered as “a lady with great insight, integrity and intellect”.
The news of her passing has prompted an outpouring of condolences and tributes honouring her kindness and the impact that she had on the lives of those she taught and worked with.
May she rest in eternal peace.
Funeral Details:
Reposing at her Nephew Brian Gallagher’s house from 6pm Wednesday 27th of September F92C2WO. House private to family and friends please.
Removal on Thursday to St. Eunan’s Cathedral, Letterkenny for arrival at 6pm to repose overnight. Funeral Mass on Friday at 1pm in St. Eunan’s Cathedral, Letterkenny with burial afterwards in the family plot in Conwal Cemetery.