A new defibrillator has been installed in Milford, outside Milford & District Resource Centre.
The life-saving piece of equipment was purchased from funds raised in the Rags to Riches charity shop on Main Street.
“We are delighted that we have been able to purchase and install this new defibrillator at the top of the town in Milford” said Declan Meehan, manager of MDRC. “We want to make sure people are aware of its existence and location as it could become vital in saving someone’s life locally. We are so grateful to the volunteers, who run the Rags to Riches shop on Main Street who give their time selflessly to raise money for important projects like this. I would also like to thank everyone who supports the shop by dropping in to purchase items – all money raised goes to excellent causes locally. We have raised almost €25,000 for various projects, initiatives, and community groups in the area since we set up the Milford Development Fund in December 2019, which the charity shop funds.”
All the staff and volunteers of MDRC completed defib and CPR training with Gary Ryan and Dave McSpadden, from the National Ambulance Service, on Wednesday this week. MDRC would like to extend sincere thanks to them for giving their time for this, and also to Martin McHugh, electrician, for installing the defib cabinet outside the building for free. The cabinet, in which the defib is held, was donated by the National Ambulance Service, through the Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Fund.
The defib is available for anyone who needs it in an emergency and can be accessed without the need for a code. The other defibs in the town are located at Moyle View Park and the Milford Parochial Hall. MDRC will organise public training on the equipment in September.