This Refugee Week, Amnesty Letterkenny are acknowledging and celebrating the great work being done quietly all over Donegal to welcome the over 6000 refugees and people seeking asylum who now call this county home.
World Refugee Day celebrates the strength and courage of the more than 110 million people who have been forced to flee their homes worldwide. Over 35 million of these people have fled to other countries, mostly to low and middle income countries.
The theme of this year’s World Refugee Day is ‘Hope Away From Home’ and focuses on the power of inclusion as the most effective way to support people in restarting their lives.
With the help of the Donegal Volunteer Centre, many refugees and asylum seekers are also giving their time to voluntary groups such as Tidy Towns, Parkrun and St. Vincent de Paul.
Amnesty Letterkenny would like to invite everyone to take small actions to give hope to people who are new here. A smile, a lift, an introduction or sharing of local knowledge.
More information available on the websites of the Irish Refugee Council, UNHCR, Amnesty International and Concern Worldwide.