The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is campaigning for a class size reduction of two pupils to be facilitated in Budget 2024.
Teachers from Donegal met with Oireachtas members last week to discuss the key areas of investment required for primary education.
INTO President Dorothy McGinley, General Secretary John O’Boyle, and Donegal Central Executive Committee representative Áine McGinley took part in the discussions.
A spokesperson said: “The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is campaigning for a class size reduction of 2 pupils to bring our class sizes down to the EU average, an increase in school funding by 20% to ensure parents don’t have to top up school funding, the national rollout of counselling services in schools and the restoration of middle management posts in schools to ensure well managed schools.
“Our budget asks this year put pupils front and centre as we seek to bolster investment in primary education in line with what we are seeing in many of our EU neighbours.”