Almost 350 volunteers in Donegal collected over 2 tonnes of litter at 22 clean-ups held both on land and by the coast as part of Clean Coasts’ 20th Anniversary.
The month of June marks the celebration of Irish environmental programme, Clean Coasts’ 20th anniversary where clear community spirit was exhibited by volunteers taking part in clean-up events in Donegal.
Thursday the 8th of June also marked the global celebration of World Ocean Day, an initiative that highlights the important role the ocean has for life and the planet.
A small but enthusiastic group in Donegal gathered at Marble Hill Beach on June 8th to celebrate World Ocean Day and Clean Coasts’ 20th Anniversary where they were joined by locals, many of them who live near to the beach and have seen the problems of rubbish in the area first hand, particularly during busy periods.
The group also spoke about sand dune restoration efforts undertaken by NPWS in collaboration with Clean Coasts.
Moville Tidy Towns took to the river Foyle in Donegal in honour of Clean Coasts 20th Birthday and World Ocean Day along with Moville Scouts. They also managed to do a a clean up around the town and green.
Finally, also Friends of Murvagh Beach took to their namesake beach, Murvagh, in honour of Clean Coasts 20th Birthday and World Ocean Day.
Sinead McCoy, Coastal Communities Manager said: “Clean Coasts are thrilled to see so many groups and individuals stepping up across Ireland to help protect our ocean and celebrate Clean Coasts’ 20th birthday and want to take this opportunity to thank and celebrate the efforts of all individuals and groups who have been protecting the Irish marine environment, whether they have been involved with the programme since 2003 or this is their first time joining the initiative.”
The significance of community spirit in Clean Coasts volunteers across Donegal this year and years prior cannot be understated and over the past two decades, groups nationwide have tirelessly worked towards the preservation and conservation of our precious coastlines, a reminder of the vital role we play in protecting our oceans.
To mark the milestone of their 20th anniversary this June, Clean Coasts are celebrating all the achievements of community groups and volunteers.
In honour of the international day coinciding with their birth-month, Clean Coasts gifted a number of volunteers who registered for World Ocean Day in Donegal free clean-up kits.
As part of this 20th year celebration, Clean Coasts created a special Sand Art Mural with artist Sean Corcoran from The Art Hand:
There are more events organised by Clean Coasts groups taking place across Ireland throughout the month of June as part of the extended World Ocean Day call to action. You can find them all on Clean Coasts Eventbrite page here: