Crossroads and Killygordon Wednesday Club For Older People held a hugely successful afternoon tea dance last week.
The event, which attracted almost 200 people, took place in the CAKE Community Centre.
“We would like to thank the amazing number of people who attended our very successful tea dance,” lead organiser John Butler said.
He paid a special thanks to Mark Ewing, CE Supervisor, and his team for the hall set up and for serving the refreshments.

Revellers enjoying the recent afternoon tea dance hosted by the Crossroads and Killygordon Wednesday Club For Older People. Pic: Anne McMenamin.
“The food was sponsored by the Donegal Local Development Company for which we thank Brian Carr,” he added.
“The food itself was produced by the Cosy Corner, Crossroads, and was excellent and deserves our thanks.”
Last, but not least, Mr Butler paid tribute to Joe Carlin for all his help. His band, Country Rose, had the people dancing on the floor for the whole afternoon.
“Finally, there will always be a welcome at our Wednesday Club every week at the CAKE Centre, Killygordon, where you can have a dance and game of bingo or maybe just have a chat,” he concluded.
For more information on the Wednesday Club for older people, call the CAKE office on 07491 49557 or email

Revellers enjoying the recent afternoon tea dance hosted by the Crossroads and Killygordon Wednesday Club for Older People. Pic: Anne McMenamin.