A fund has been launched to help a 10-year-old Donegal girl to walk.
Caoimhe Darcy was born with Cerebral Palsy which has affected the use of her legs.
She has worked tirelessly for the last 18 months and has gone from being a full time wheelchair user to using a walker.
She has always done it with a smile and never gives up
Caoimhe has the chance to receive a life changing surgery known as SDR, in which they will relieve the spasticity in her legs through spinal surgery.
She has officially been accepted as a great candidate by world renowned Surgeon Dr. T. S. Park in St Louis Children’s Hospital, Missouri for this life changing surgery SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy).
This surgery will relieve the every day pain she experiences and help her immensely in progressing toward her milestones and, her big wish, walking independently!
This surgery along with post op therapy and hard work will give Caoimhe the opportunity to walk unassisted and pain free.
The surgery is not available in Ireland and is not funded by the HSE. Her family have had to fight for all services since Caoimhe was born and have been self funding all her treatments.
Her family said “We now face one final task to give Caoimhe a fighting chance of having the best quality of life that she deserves.
“We know these are challenging times for everyone and we would be eternally grateful if you could help us in anyway that you can.”
Her family set up a Go Fund Me page for Caoimhe just a couple of days ago and thanks to the generosity of people it has raised over €23,000 of its €150,000 goal.
If you would like to donate a euro, ten euro or whatever you can to help this little girl to walk please log onto https://www.gofundme.com/f/caoimhes-fight-to-walk