Man who abused staff and threw takeaway food on floor fined

January 11, 2023

A man who abused staff and threw his food on the floor of a Letterkenny takeaway has been fined.

Jonathan Creevy appeared at Letterkenny District Court where he was charged under the Public Order Act.

The court was told that on December 15th last, Gardai on mobile patrol saw the 38-year-old from Kirkstown in Letterkenny arguing with staff.

He had also thrown his food on the floor of the takeaway on Main Street.

Gardai advised him to desist but he became aggressive and was eventually arrested.

He was charged at Letterkenny Garda Station and when being released from custody he was very apologetic to Gardai.

His solicitor, Ms Maureen Gallagher, told the court that her client said he simply had too much to drink on the night.

He is a father of two children and apart from some road traffic offences has never been in trouble before.

“I do not expect to see him back before the court,” said Ms Gallagher.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham fined Creevey €200.