Four arrests have been made in the Buncrana area alone already this Bank Holiday weekend as Gardaí issue another warning to road users.
A car was found overturned in the Clonmany area last night as Gardaí reiterate the issue for driving under the influence.
A Garda spokesperson said: “It is sights like this one in the Clonmany area last night that we do not want to see again this Bank Holiday weekend.
“There have been four arrests within the Buncrana District over the past two days for the offence of driving under the influence (alcohol and/or drugs).
“High visibility patrols, speed checks and checkpoints will be conducted over the Bank Holiday weekend across Donegal and we urge all road users to act responsibly:
• SLOW DOWN and ensure that you remain within the legal speed limit at all times.
• NEVER drive while under the influence of alcohol/drugs. If you do, you will be risking your life and the lives of others.
• Ensure that you and any passengers that you have are wearing your seatbelts.
• Do not use/hold a mobile phone while driving.
“Our priority is to keep people safe so please make responsible decisions this weekend and always in relation to road safety.
“Help save lives by driving in a safe and responsible manner.
“We hope you all have an enjoyable and a safe weekend.”