A new chapter begins at St. Columba’s Comprehensive, Glenties this term as they say goodbye to a popular Principal.
Frances Boner has retired after 22 years in ‘The Comp’, with Brendan O’Mahony taking on the role.
A tribute to Ms Boner from the school said she was “a leader, a teacher, a colleague and a friend – she was everything we could have asked for in a Principal.

Photo: St. Columba’s Comprehensive, Glenties Facebook
“Tolerant, understanding, patient and hard working – mar a deir an seanfhocal “Molann an obair an duine”, this certainly applies to Ms. Boner. She has given 110% of herself to the Comp and the staff, students, parents and school community have been truly fortunate to have had her at the helm.”
Wishing a very happy retirement to Ms Boner, the school community also issued a warm welcome to their new Principal Brendan O’Mahony.

Brendan O’Mahoney takes over the reins from Frances Boner as Principal of ‘The Comp’ Photo: St. Columba’s Comprehensive, Glenties Facebook

Photo: St. Columba’s Comprehensive, Glenties Facebook