The fantastic turnout to say a fond farewell to the formidable Anne Condon was testament to her hard work and dedication to the Letterkenny business community over the past number of years.
Anne came to Donegal from Dublin in 1990 and began working with the Letterkenny Chamber in 1995.
During that time she has ben part of the driving force which has established the chamber as one of the most successful and dynamic chambers across Ireland today.
While Anne may have officially retired from the chamber, she still remains active in many parts of Donegal life.
An event to say farewell to Anne was held in Castlegrove House to honour all her hard work and dedication during those years.
The staff of Donegal Daily would like to thank Anne for all her help and consideration to us over the years.
10K represenative Mary McCrossan and Nancy McNamee with Anne Condon at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Toni Forrester, CEO Letterkenny Chamber Anne Condon and Anne Louise McClinotck at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Eibhlin McGlynn, Gary Cooney, Anne Condon and Michael Boyd at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Kristine Reynold, Chamber President, Anne Condon and Dermot Condon at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Donnan Harvey, Leonard Watson, Patrica Hill, Jimmy Stafford and Kristine Reynolds at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Agnes Mooney and Roisin McLaughlin at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Terry McEniff and Mary McCrossan at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Mary Hegarty, Brian Hegarty and Donnan Harvey at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Kristine Reynolds, Anne Condon, Dermot Condon, toni Forrrester and Bernard Dillion at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Toni Forrester, Cahmber CEO speaking at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Anne Condon receiving a presentation from Toni Forrester, CEO at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Dermott and Anne o her retirement seat presented at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Current President, Krisitne Reynolds with Anne Condon and former presidents at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Badk from left are Micahel Boyd, Paul Byrne, Eamon Stevenson, Bernard Dillion, Leonard Watson, Pat Keating and Gary Cooney. Photo -Clive Wasson
Raymond Sweeney, Nancy McNamee, Terry McEniff and Mary McCrossan at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson
Toni Forrester, Cahmber CEO speaking at a function in Castle Grove House to acknowledge Anne Condon’s retirement from Letterkenny Chamber after 25 years of service. Photo -Clive Wasson