Men’s Shed Carn has launched a new ‘Listening Ear’ service today for those who are struggling with stress, anxiety or isolation.
The initiative offers practical and emotional one-to-one support by trained volunteers to people aged over 18.
The HSE-funded confidential free service is available to both men and women in Carndonagh and the surrounding areas by booking a one-to-one appointment with a trained volunteer.
They will then arrange a convenient time for the person to pop in for a chat and a cup of tea in the Men’s Shed premises on the Moville Road.
Deborah Shiels, a volunteer at Men’s Shed Carn, said: “Our new ‘Listening Ear’ service is all about providing a safe, friendly and welcoming environment where anyone over the age of 18 can come in for a chat and a cup of tea – importantly knowing that what they say won’t be judged and that it is totally confidential,” she said.
Their pool of volunteers are trained to listen to people and to offer reassurance and emotional care – as well as practical support in terms of sign-posting them to other health services should these be required.
“Our new service is also deliberately non-clinical – but rather designed to offer an ‘empathic ear’ to people who may be feeling overwhelmed – and I have no doubts that they will hugely value and benefit from speaking to one of our volunteers,” Ms Shiels added.
“We also know that in many cases speaking to a family member or a friend about a problem can be difficult or hard. Our new service therefore offers people the opportunity to off-load their concerns to someone that they don’t know but can wholeheartedly trust to speak about their feelings of isolation or if they are suffering mentally or physically.
“Indeed, we want our entire community (both men and women from Carndonagh and the surrounding areas) to know that whatever is worrying them or causing them to struggle in life to please also remember that they are not alone and importantly that we are here for them!”.
To book a strictly confidential one-to-one appointment with one of the trained volunteers from the Men’s Shed Carn ‘Listening Ear’ service email or phone Deborah Shiels on 0838422088.