As students are preparing to sit their Junior and Leaving Certificate exams, the HSE is encouraging them to learn how to manage anxiety during this time.
Stress levels can be higher around exam time, and while a bit of it can help you stay motivated and focused, too much can be unhelpful.
Mark Smyth, Senior Clinical Psychologist at the HSE said: “Exam time can be an anxious, stressful and potentially overwhelming experience.
“Remember, test taking anxiety is normal, and because anxiety is an emotion, it will pass if you give it time. The more you fight it, the longer it will last.”
He also provided some tips on how best to manage exam stress:
- Sleep: Before going to sleep, try to wind down. Getting a good night’s sleep is the best thing you can do to help you perform well in exams and stay focused during study.
- Eat: Try to eat regular meals, eat well and stay hydrated. This will help your ability to think, concentrate and last the distance.
- Exercise: Regular exercise can help to relieve some of the stress build-up and improve your mood. Build it into your plan: go on a walk, go for a swim or anything that gets you active.
- Downtime: Make time for some fun. It’s not only allowed, but recommended. Plan things you enjoy doing at weekends or during breaks between exams.
- Try to keep some perspective: Ask yourself the question: ‘In 10 years’ time will I remember what grades I got in the exams?#8217;. It’s unlikely.
- Post-mortems: Dwelling on what has already happened will only mess with your head. It doesn’t help because you can’t change the past. With social media, there’s a temptation to take the post-mortem online, and this is also unlikely to be helpful. Try to leave the last exam behind you and focus on what you can do, which is the next exam.
- Exams don’t define you as a person: We’re all more interesting and important than a grade or an exam.
The HSE is also urging parents and family members to be aware of potential stress during exam time and to support them as best they can and has provided parents with some tips to help with stress during exam time:
- Try to encourage them to eat well.
- Remind them of the benefits of a good night’s sleep.
- Be flexible (household chores can wait).
- Encourage exercise.
- Don’t add to the pressure.